The Tug of War for Peace

There’s a constant conflict in the creature in me

For I yearn for attention

But also yearn for peace

Better yet-

That I crave the stimuli from applause

But also lay here lost in daydreams,

Lusting for the silence of serenity.

But I take solace

In knowing this tug of war is not just in me

We are a communal species

Born to be social

And long for the praise of our peers,

Since the start of history.  

And though this is evolutionary,

We must still tread carefully with wants,

And differentiate them from needs.

And so I yearn for peace

For the proceedings are tiring

To absorb all the stimuli right at our feet

While in parallel

Defend in the desire, for tribute to be paid to me.

And so I yearn for peace

And must remind myself daily,

Admiration is a want, not a need.




Peaks and Valleys